Kenny Dalglish has revealed how a trial at West Ham United helped to inspire a friendship that ultimately saw Liverpool sign Jamie Redknapp.

The Reds boss met his Tottenham counterpart, Harry Redknapp, during his brief spell at Upton Park prior to establishing himself as a Celtic legend.

The pair have since developed a strong relationship and Dalglish admits it played a part in the Reds recruiting one of their finest midfielders of the 1990s.

Dalglish told "(The friendship) goes back further than that with Harry Redknapp. When I was 15 I went on trial at West Ham and he was there - he looks a lot older now!

"He's a good fella. He's a good character and has done a good job at Tottenham. They are much healthier now than they were before he came in.

"We go back a few years. Obviously Jamie is a common denominator. Harry came up with Jamie's mum Sandra, the year before he actually signed. I think he was a little bit too young to leave home and his mum didn't want to let go of him.

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"But he was a fantastic signing for the club. The meeting that we had at West Ham all those years ago wouldn't have done any harm with that (transfer). The fact that it was Liverpool that Jamie was coming to, a club Harry has a great deal of respect for, wouldn't have done any harm either.

"He's a good guy and there is a bit of a friendship there. We'll have a drink after the game."