Don't miss a fascinating feature about Anfield - the stadium and the area - in the second issue of the new Liverpool FC monthly magazine.

It includes a special extract from an English Heritage book all about L4's local history and streetscape from the days when John Houlding, the club's first boss, splashed out on some farmland to create a football pitch for his (then) Everton team.

The article explains why the district around today's stadium looks the way it does - from the grand old villas and lodges lived in by rich merchants on Anfield Road to the Victorian terraced housing occupied for white-collar workers who had Saturdays off to enjoy a new pastime - the football.

Together with the area's shops, churches and pubs - and of course Stanley Park - it's given Anfield its distinctive identity since the club was formed in 1892.

On sale from 6 September, the mag is also available on subscription - just call 08700 20 20 20 or click here.