LFC FoundationWe Empower

WE Empower was created to support a culture in which children are safe, healthy, nurtured, active, responsible, respected, and included.

Through promoting equality in all areas, this programme aims to tackle gender stereotyping and raise children’s understanding of the types of discrimination and prejudices females and minorities face.

Working with full classes and small cohorts in both primary and secondary schools, our aim is to engage, inspire and empower. We expect to see improved citizenship skills and aspirations in participants of the programme.  

Our 6-week program that covers various aspects of allyship and empowerment, working with pupils across upper KS2 and KS3.

Each week, our WE Empower Coordinator will deliver a classroom-based activity. At the end of each session, participants will have a chance to discuss and reflect on what they learned and build on their knowledge as the scheme of work progresses.

If you are interested in our WE Empower Programme or would like further information, please email: lfcfoundation@liverpoolfc.com