FoundationGlobal Works

Global Works is a brand new community-based employability programme in partnership with the LFC Foundation and Standard Chartered Bank.

The programme will look to provide high-quality, outcome-driven delivery around employment support.

Delivered across New York and New Jersey, the programme will work predominantly with 16–18 year-old seniors in high school. The programme will target participants from disadvantaged backgrounds that are at risk of not attending college and would face long term unemployment.

Consisting of sport-based employability sessions, mentoring and work experience; the programme aims to get each participant to feel work-ready and actively seeking employment. Through this project, the LFC Foundation will build strong partnerships with local organisations within the targeted areas of high-need that creates mutually beneficial value that has a positive impact on young people's lives. Through the partnership with Standard Chartered, corporate volunteers will provide inspiring mentoring sessions that guide participants on their career paths.

If you are an organisation who would like to support the global works programme, please email

If you are a young person who would like to be part of the programme, please email either or

Participants of the Global Works Programme
Participants of the Global Works Programme