International AcademyHow to redeem your LFC eAcademy access

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Thank you for attending our recent LFC International Academy coaching experience. As part of your International Academy experience, you can now redeem your access to eAcademy, giving you access to more than 100 exclusive LFC training tutorials!

Benefits of eAcademy include:

  • Take your LFC International Academy experience home with you and continue to learn from LFC coaches
  • Practise the skills and techniques selected by LFC coaches as being the most important ones to master
  • Detailed demonstrations from LFC coaches, including multi-angle cameras and slow-motion replays to show exactly how each skill is performed
  • Every technique broken down in detail

How to redeem

These steps will need to be completed by a parent or guardian.

1) Go to

2) Click on the link in the yellow box to "redeem your access code".

3) On the sign-in screen, scroll down to the section titled “New Users” and click “Register”.

4) Create an account by filling in the information required.

5) Click “Continue to membership”

6) Next, enter the code provided and Apply. You're membership will then be activated.