Missy Bo Kearns: 'I'm very proud to play 100 games for Liverpool, it's my club'

NewsMissy Bo Kearns: 'I'm very proud to play 100 games for Liverpool, it's my club'

By Steve Hunter


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Missy Bo Kearns has spoken of her immense pride at reaching 100 appearances for Liverpool FC Women during Saturday’s encounter with Manchester City.

The Scouser stepped off the bench during the 4-1 defeat at Prenton Park to become the youngest player in the Barclays Women’s Super League era to reach triple figures for the Reds, receiving a fantastic ovation from the home fans.

Having joined the club at the age of eight, lifelong supporter Kearns is now an integral part of Matt Beard’s squad.

She has also enjoyed international recognition and is currently away preparing to captain England U23s in their fixture against Sweden on Thursday.

To mark her century, the No.7 spoke to the official matchday programme about her LFC journey so far. Read the interview below…

On making 100 appearances for Liverpool FC Women…

I would probably never have imagined it to happen. It’s obviously a massive milestone in my career and it’s a lot of experience for my age and I’m just grateful for the opportunities that I’ve had and I’m hungry for more. I love playing for Liverpool. It’s my childhood club. I probably wouldn’t have dreamed of playing this many games for Liverpool so I’m very proud.

On being only the sixth player in the professional era to achieve a century of games for the Reds alongside captain Niamh Fahey, Gemma Bonner, Melissa Lawley, Ashley Hodson and Leighanne Robe…

It’s a massive thing for me. To be honest, I haven’t really thought about it that much because you just take it game by game, don’t you? It seems to have come around quite quickly. I remember making my debut against Chelsea and the past few seasons have just flown by. That’s why you should never take it for granted because you don’t realise how quickly things change.

On her highlights so far with the Reds…

I think winning promotion from the FA Women’s Championship back to the WSL, playing at Anfield for the first time, scoring my first goal, becoming the youngest captain for the women’s team, playing against the big teams. Every game has had something special in it and I’ve learned something in each one but there’s obviously those standout ones when you score or when you get an assist. I’ve had so many highs that it’s hard to pick one moment that was my favourite.

On the competition for places in the midfield area…

The competition is high but that’s what you want and that’s what all the top teams are like in men’s and women’s football. There’s got to be competition or it’s not healthy and that’s another factor in what’s making us so successful this year. We all know that you’ve got to be on your A-game or someone’s taking your place.

On netting her first goal of the season recently in the win over West Ham United…

I think it was the first header I’ve ever won, let alone scored! That’s the truth! It’s not my game really but I’ve been working on it and trying to develop in that area. I was shocked and delighted when it went in – I think everyone was! But I’ve done it once now so there’s no going back. I’ve got to keep getting into those scenarios and keep trying to score as many goals as possible.

It was a great cross from Ceri [Holland] and we’ve played together for a long time now so we’re on the same page. We work well with each other and we know what each other is going to be doing. I think that comes with the more time and games you play. She’s been brilliant again this season and taking it in her stride. I really enjoy playing with her.

On where she sees her development at the moment with still being a young player…

I’m still 22 and nearly 23, but in football that’s young. On the other side of that, though, I can’t really class myself as a young player because I’m experienced. I’m hitting 100 games for Liverpool so I don’t want to be known as a young player but realistically I think I am. I’ve still got a lot to learn and improve on. I know that myself so now it’s about bringing the best of me to help the team and to improve so I can take the next steps and go on to the next level with my game.

On being given the captain’s armband with England U23s…

I think it’s given me a bit more experience and opportunity to develop as a person not only as a player. I’d been with the U23s the year before and I was playing a lot of games and scoring goals but I think this extra responsibility helps me ensure that I’m consistent and brings my best attributes out to help the team as much as possible. I think it’s given me more of a role where I can showcase what I bring off the pitch as well as on the pitch. I’m really enjoying it. It’s a great experience and I’m obviously still learning, so if I can learn and develop as much now at such a young age it’s only going to benefit me in the future.

On the progress of the team so far this season being in the top half of the table…

We knew we could do it. We said in pre-season we should be pushing to be in that top bracket and I think we’re showing it consistently now whereas last season we were up and down. Obviously we’ve had a few little rocky spells but it’s about how you react from them and this season we’ve been snapping back into tune quite quickly and I think that’s where we’ve improved as a squad. We’re here to compete and show that we’re not here just to fill the numbers up.

On challenging Manchester United for fourth spot…

Yes, we’re pushing but we’ve just got to focus on what’s in front of us right now. We still have Manchester United to play at home but that’s a long way off yet. There’s the international break first and that game is still weeks and weeks away and, of course, other results can dictate different things.

We’ve just got to focus on us and on making sure we pick up as many points as possible and in the end the table will speak for itself. You’ve got to control the controllables and if you’re thinking about something in a few weeks’ time, then you’re not fully focused on the game that’s ahead. So that’s where my head’s at and it’s game by game for me.

On some words of comfort for Danish midfielder Sofie Lundgaard, who picked up a season-ending knee injury recently…

I’m gutted for her. She’s my close mate and she’s worked so hard and had been performing really well. The timing of it has been awful. I’m devastated for her and I wish her a speedy recovery. Sofie’s still been smiling around the training ground, which is nice. We’re all here for her and I know she’ll be back stronger.

Missy Bo Kearns midfielder
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