LFC Foundation supports launch of The Real Truth Legacy workshops, teaching pupils about the Hillsborough disaster

By Liverpool FC


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LFC Foundation has successfully supported the launch of The Real Truth Legacy workshops, teaching primary school pupils what happened before, during and after the Hillsborough disaster.

The educational event for children in years five and six was created and led by local Labour MP Ian Byrne and Phil Scraton, a member of the Hillsborough Independent Panel, and long-time Hillsborough campaigners.

Throughout the day, more than 20 local primary schools and 280 school children took part in the workshops, where they visited a special Hillsborough display created by LFC’s museum curator Stephen Done, before taking part in an interactive session to learn more about what happened, with a focus on social justice.

These are the first workshops LFC Foundation has delivered on this subject, and it plans to host similar events during the current school year, while also providing local schools with an opportunity to have the sessions delivered directly to their pupils through dedicated assemblies.

The long-term plan is for this to become part of the national curriculum for primary schools, something that Byrne has been looking to implement since the launch of The Real Truth Legacy Project two years ago.

Speaking at the event, he said: “It’s such a proud and humbling moment that we’ve actually got here with The Real Truth Legacy Project and delivered so well by the LFC Foundation team who have done it proud, it’s remarkable.

“We’ve seen the rise in tragedy chanting and there were still a lot of misconceptions about Hillsborough so we just wanted to go out and educate the country, starting at a young age.

“I couldn’t be prouder of the football club, LFC Foundation and everyone involved in this, it’s been a real privilege to be part of, and I would like to say a special thank you to Stephen Done for putting the display together because when you walk in and see that, it’s one of the most emotional things I have ever seen and it was a work of genius.”

Gemma Smith, head of programmes at LFC Foundation, added: “It was a special day for everyone involved, it was an honour to have our special guests with us who were directly impacted by the tragic events of Hillsborough, and to see the children so engaged throughout was fantastic.

“I’m sure this is something that will stay with the children for the rest of their lives and we look forward to sharing these important workshops with more schools going forward.”



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